
"I expect a search firm to rely on a network, not on a database. I expect a search firm to participate in the definition of a search, not to ask for a job description. I expect a search firm to work quickly, efficiently, confidentially and on budget.
SC-Recuitment does all of that. But on top of it, they understand my business, they take the time to assess the values of my company and therefore propose not necessary the best candidates, but the best candidates for a specific job and environment. All of the candidates hired through SC-Recruitment are still with the company as of today. Ultimately, that is the best measure of success for an executive search firm."
François Lacombe
CEO Anovo
Paris, France
"Jean-Louis is a highly competent expert in Supply Chain and Procurement.
We always have very interesting and fruitfull exchanges during Supply Chains seminars about systems, organisations and people.
Jean-Louis combines a large experience with a very pragmatic view of the Supply Chain allowing him to come up with practical solutions.
Jean-Louis also connected me with his impressive network to further extend our exchanges.
I'm convinced that those qualities are a real asset when it comes to find the right person for the right Supply Chain position."
Luc Gillieaux
Global Supply Chain Planning & Materials Management Director
Schneider Electric - France
"Delivers value thanks to a passionate and professional approach but also thanks to an insider understanding of the SC challenges"
- Erwin Tauber - Supply Chain Director
Aroma Performance (Rhodia - Solvay)
"Jean-Louis is the perfect fit for organization seeking to attract top talents...
He is highly experienced, persuasive and act as a real catalyst when dealing with people!!!"
Nando Galazzo
Various positions of SC Director (Borealis, Dow Corning, Transitive Management )
Member of the Board SC Council & SCOR - Belgium
"I have known Jean-Louis for many years and I have measured all pertinence of its Executive Search approach in the Supply Chain functions. His specialisation offers his customers some valuable advantages: the guarantee to have a very competent and experienced professional of the SC. He won’t hesitate to challenge his client on his real needs, asking him the good questions before starting the assignment. A second peculiarity and originality of Jean-Louis approach is to connect relationship between Executives of his network (clients as well as candidates) to create added value to everyone. Finally I would point out his ethics in every step of his process."
Thierry Quertinmont
CEO Sogesma
"Jean-Louis is synonym of "Executive Search with flair". He is someone who will try to get a good grasp of your business in order to offer you an holistic solution. With a good personal network, creative ideas and common sense, you will want to pick his brain all year round. Internationally, he sells rather well. Last but not least,. he knows all the right restaurants and that helps too! "
Cristina Mariages-Janssens
HR Director, EuropeDomestic & General
United Kingdom
"Dès nos premiers contacts en 2005, Jean-Louis a démontré un grand savoir-faire mais surtout un grand « savoir entendre ». Il a tout de suite compris notre besoin. Grâce à sa connaissance du métier, sa compréhension des enjeux associés et son large réseau, il a rapidement trouvé 'la perle
rare'. Depuis, Jean-Louis a confirmé ses réelles qualités humaines. Il est impliqué, réactif, très attaché à la construction de relations humaines au sein des organisations, plaçant au centre de ses missions la satisfaction client mais aussi celles des personnes recrutées. "
Guillaume RENARD
Logistics Director FR & CH
Tech Data France
"I had the chance to work together with Jean-Louis at various occasions. As a Supply Chain professional it is refreshing to work with a recruiter that really understands the business needs from a functional and a human point of view.
His ability to grasp quickly the cultural identify and the supply chain challenges of an organisation, allows him not only to identify the right candidates but motivate them to engage the selection process."
Kris Van Ransbeek
Various positions of Supply Chain Director in blue-chip companies (Carrefour, Chiquita, Tantum Group)
“It is a pleasure to work with Jean-Louis who combines an excellent network with a real passion for the supply chain business and strong interpersonal skills. His technical expertise, listening skills, reliability and dedication have been instrumental in attracting the best adequate profiles.”
Nathalie Loicq
Global Supply Chain VP
UCB Pharma